Lyle and Lantern Hill? March 24, 2011 What does Lyle Lovett have in common with Lantern Hill Farm?
Well, we both love his music. But it turns out we are fellow supporters of the Equine Land Conservation Resource (ECLR), a national non-profit whose mission is to advance the conservation of land for horse related activity.
While trail riding last fall Cutter and I got to meet ECLR Chief Executive Officer Deb Balliet, who was riding her AQHA gelding Taz at the Life Adventure Center in Versailles, KY
Deb’s job at ELCR is all about raising awareness of disappearing agricultural land, which we are losing at the rate of 6,000 acres a day. Equine Land Conservation Resource poses this important question to horse lovers:
“In the future, where will you ride, drive, compete, race, raise foals, and grow hay? Where will your grandchildren ride drive, compete, race, raise foals and grow hay? “
Lantern Hill Farm was protected with a conservation easement in December 2009 through the Lexington based Bluegrass Conservancy, so these are goals near to our heart.
Take a minute to read through the March 2011 issue of The Resource, which also just happens to have a good picture of Cutter earning his keep.