Employment Opportunities
Lantern Hill Farm occasionally has openings on the farm for horsepersons and maintenance workers, and at the horse sales for grooms and show people. Full-time farm workers receive top wages, health insurance, paid sick days and vacations, and, in some cases, housing.
We offer a working environment that is responsive to each individual's talents and goals, and we seek employees who are motivated to work hard and learn about the Thoroughbred industry.
Driving Directions
Due to staff limitations, we regret Lantern Hill Farm is closed to visitors until further notice.

Click map to get directions
From Lexington
Take Leestown Road (US 421) north from Lexington,
After traveling 8.5 miles from New Circle Road, you will pass under a railroad bridge,
Moore’s Mill Road will be on your right,
The farm drive is the first drive on the right after Moores Mill Road, across from a blue and white sign that says “H-B Cattle”
Please pull up close to the gate. The farm office is in the first tobacco barn on your right, on the hill.
From Frankfort or Louisville via I-64
Use Exit 65 for Midway. Go right at the end of the exit.
Go to the T intersection with US 421, and turn left (south) toward Lexington.
Please use our third entrance, on the left, across from the blue and white sign that says “H-B Cattle”
Please pull up close to the gate. The farm office is in the first tobacco barn on your right, on the hill.
Photos throughout the site are copyrighted by:
Joy Gilbert, Pat Lang, Photos by Z, Anne M. Eberhardt, Rachel Holden, Suzi Shoemaker