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Where Has October Gone?

October 22, 2010

The progress of our Keeneland November weanlings tells me October is disappearing as fast as leaves from the sweet gums and door fans from stalls. We took our first weanling sales photos yesterday, and the babies’ newfound poise says our grooming and hand-walking are paying dividends. I love this time between September yearling sales and the hustle of November mares and foals; when I can slip over to Keeneland in the morning for workouts, trail ride a bit on Cutter and still catch a few races in the afternoon. I am lucky to have such a great crew, and so grateful for their daily diligence in feeding, grooming, and medicating, as well as the added fall tasks of steaming barns, cleaning sheds and fixing fences.

Click Here to view our Keeneland November Consignment.